Jazzercise Gets Kids Moving in May with Free Dance Parties in Schools

This press release was provided by  Jazzercise. The Club Industry editorial staff was not involved in the creation of this content.

Kids are full of energy. They love to move. Yet only one in four American children gets the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise and one in three is considered overweight or obese. To demonstrate how much fun it can be to move and get physically fit, Jazzercise, Inc. is offering free Kids Get Fit dance parties during National Physical Fitness and Sports Month at schools worldwide. Last year the Jazzercise family of 7,800 franchisees held 794 of these free events, inspiring 78,557 children in their communities to get up and move.

Jazzercise Kids Get Fit events combine the latest popular music with high energy, easy to follow dance moves and interactive fitness games. The free dance parties are led by certified Jazzercise instructors at their local schools. The message is clear—exercise can and should be fun!

Kids Get Fit is a free community outreach program designed to help schools promote kids' fitness as a way of life. It was established in 1991 as part of the Junior Jazzercise program to help children learn the importance of establishing healthy habits that last a lifetime. Jazzercise is proud of its work to achieve the objectives of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative to end childhood obesity and create a brighter future for our nation's youth.

"At Jazzercise we are passionate about improving the physical fitness and wellbeing of children," said Judi Sheppard Missett, Founder and CEO of Jazzercise. "Hosting dance parties at the schools in our communities enables us to share the joy of movement with children who need it more than ever before. We are truly excited to be able to act locally to fight childhood obesity."

With Jazzercise you can burn up to 600 calories in one 60 minute dance-based cardio and strength class. While most customers come for the fun, they stay because Jazzercise provides a highly effective total body workout plus a sense of community and personalized support. According to our members, benefits include increased weight loss, core strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, stress release and a mood boosting endorphin rush. Junior Jazzercise classes offer uniquely choreographed, age appropriate moves set to popular music mixes with a focus on strength, endurance, agility, nutrition and fun!

Jazzercise is an international dance fitness franchise business hosting 7,800+ franchisees teaching 32,000+ classes per week in 32 countries. Class offerings vary by location. To find local classes go to jazzercise.com or download our mobile app: iOS or Android. For more information visit jazzercise.com or contact (800)FIT-IS-IT.